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Sub folder cover art SOLVED

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I have music videos located in Videocenter. I have them playing no problem and each of them has their own cover art. 
As I have a lot of music videos from same artist is put these own subfolder with their own covert art. All work so far but the only problem I have is how do I get this subfolder containing these music videos to show a cover art donating the contents. I.e cover art of “Oasis” etc. 


D:Jukebox Videos containing the main videos. All good. 
D:Jukebox Videos/digithumbs containing main cover art. All good. 
D:jukebox Videos/Oasis contains Oasis videos. All good. 
D:jukebox Videos/Oasis/digithumbs containing Oasis cover art. All good. 
My problem is D:jukebox Videos/Oasis folder is showing as a folder icon and I want it to show as an Oasis cover art. 
I have the cover art and have located it in numerous locations but still folder icon showing instead. 

Any ideas how to get this to show the Oasis cover art?

Thanks in advance 

10-06-2024 10:26

Inside the digithumbs folder to add cover art for the subfolder simply name the cover art folderthumb 

You are welcome
10-16-2024 15:52
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